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Jibril Bachu

An International Bachelorette (IB) graduate of Eastside High School, 2024, Gainesville, FL, Jibril is heading off to New York University, planning to study international policy and music. Jibril is an avid musician, having participated in the Eastside Ram Band, Alachua County Youth Orchestra, and various independent projects on multiple instruments.

Jibril Bachu

We are excited to announce Mr Jibril Bachu as the 2023-2024 Clarey Walker Leadership Scholarship recipient!

An International Bachelorette (IB) graduate of Eastside High School, Gainesville, FL, Jibril is heading off to New York University, planning to study international policy and music. Jibril is an avid musician, having participated in the Eastside Ram Band, Alachua County Youth Orchestra, and various independent projects on multiple instruments.

Jibril hopes that the “big city” will lend more opportunities to play music, get involved with production and potentially find a career within the music industry. Jibril is also heavily interested in politics and leadership at both the local and international levels. He has participated in various leadership roles in school clubs and honor societies, as well as served the Alachua County School Board as the student representative.

In addition, he has been involved as an Eastside representative to the Amplified Student Voice Coalition and the School Advisory Council. Jibril conducted an independent study community service project through the Clarey Walker Foundation's Leadership Academy. Jibril understands the power of unity. Identifying the chasm between IB and mainstream students, Jibril used music to bridge the two worlds by establishing a combined musical concert.

Jibril is grateful for the leadership skills he learned under the guidance of the Leadership Academy’s faculty and staff and hopes to one day give back to the Eastside community just like Mr Walker.

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